The future of language education: Teachers’ perceptions about the surge of AI writing tools

Zimotti, G., Frances, C., & Whitaker, L. (2024). The future of language education: Teachers’ perceptions about the surge of AI writing tools. Technology in Language Teaching & Learning, 6(2), 1–24.

This article reports on the results of a survey of language educators to explore their perceptions of the use and the potential effect of large language models such as ChatGPT in language teaching and learning. The researchers set out to address two questions:

RQ1: What current attitudes and perceptions do L2 instructors have regarding ChatGPT?

RQ2: What are innovative approaches for employing ChatGPT within language classrooms, their perceived ability to notice students’ use, and their current policies regarding this technology (p.3)?

In general, the survey revealed that language educators are open to the use of ChatGPT, recognise that their students will use it and that 36% of respondents have already used ChatGPT in their classrooms. Potential uses identified by respondents include creating lesson content, providing feedback, generating ideas and explaining complex grammar topics. Respondents also expressed concerns about the potential misuse of ChatGPT by students and how educators can identify and respond to misuse.

The findings align with the theory of normalization as described by Bax, in that educators who have used ChatGPT are enthusiastic about its potential, while those who have had less experience remain somewhat skeptical and apprehensive about its uses.

The authors argue that the inevitability of  the use of tools such as ChatGPT by language learners means that language educators need to critically examine such tools, focusing on the potential to enhance learning rather than on the technology itself, consider how these tools can be used for effective  student assessment and support students to think critically about these tools while enabling their responsible use to support the development of digital literacy skills. The article concludes with a quotation from a survey respondent, “We can’t change the fact that ChatGPT is going to change language teaching… all we can do is adjust our sails.” (p.20).

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ChatGPT for Language Teaching and Learning

 Kohnke, L ., Benjamin  Moorhouse, L. & Di Zou, D. (2023) ChatGPT for Language Teaching and Learning. RELC Journal OnlineFirst, April 3, 2023.

 This short article provides a useful introductory technology review and discussion of the possible affordances and the challenges of the AI chatbot ChatGPT for language teaching and learning. The article outlines some of the possible affordances of Chat GPT, for instructors and students. For example, ChatGPT can be used to identify word meanings in context, explain language mistakes, generate texts, e.g., emails and stories etc., develop quizzes and provide dictionary definitions.  

There are several ongoing debates about the use of ChatGPT in education generally.  Educators have questioned the ethical use of ChatGPT including the possibility of cheating, and how it may affect assessment. Since it does not supply sources or citations, there are concerns about the accuracy of ChatGPT responses which may mislead students. There are also questions about cultural bias, since most of the texts in the database are English; this may be of particular concern in language education as students from diverse cultural backgrounds may not be aware that this tool is not culturally neutral.

The authors argue that the effective use of ChatGPT will require the development of specific digital competencies in three broad categories. Instructors will need Technological Proficiency, including understanding the features of ChatGPT and how it works; Pedagogical Compatibility, that is consideration of how this tool could be used to enhance language teaching and learning, planning for implementation, and providing guidance for students to use the tool for independent learning. Social Awareness includes critical awareness of the challenges of ChatGPT and supporting students to understand the challenges and the risks and ethical issues inherent in the use of the tool.

The article concludes with a list of suggestions of how students can use ChatGPT to improve their English language learning.

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The Affordances and Contradictions of AI-Generated Text for Second Language Writers

Warschauer, M., et al. (2023). The Affordances and Contradictions of AI-Generated Text for Second Language Writers SSRN.

This timely report looks at how to approach the affordances of AI-writing tools like ChatGPT in second language classrooms, while maintaining the importance of learners first developing writing skills without these tools. The authors encourage ongoing critical discussion about AI-generated text to ensure that educators learn how to manage it in their educational context, rather than simply banning it. They make the point that learners will most likely be expected to be able to use AI-generated text in employment situations and will be at a disadvantage if they have no experience with the tools or think of them as “cheating tools” or shortcuts.

The authors propose a five-part framework to help learners find their way with ChatGPT. It includes these components: understand, access, prompt, corroborate and incorporate. They provide a list of prompt types and examples of each one. They describe and explain the reasons for each of the other components of the framework. The report also presents a sample list of the functions of ChatGPT to explain some of its uses.

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