Building the porous classroom: An expanded model for blended language learning

Godwin-Jones, R. (2020). Building the porous classroom: An expanded model for blended language learning. Language Learning & Technology, 24(3), 1–18.

This thought-provoking article by the noted scholar Robert Godwin-Jones explores and discusses the concept of the “porous classroom” as a model of blended language learning. The author argues that such a model, open to the local community and combining digital technologies, teacher presence and a focus on intercultural understanding and social justice, has the potential to provide students with truly inclusive and transformative learning experiences. The article includes a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of LMS ( Learning Management Systems) and commercial publisher sites in the language classroom, and the potential for the use of existing or instructor developed OER ( Open Educational Resources) to support authentic language learning grounded in the actual learning needs and interests of students. Finally, the author argues for the critical importance of the instructor in supporting and guiding students to develop their capacity as autonomous learners, and in encouraging connection to the world outside of the classroom as part of their learning experience.

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