Learning Technology in LINC – Beyond the Pandemic

Van Dorp, N. & McBride, R. Learning Technology in LINC- Beyond the Pandemic. TESL Ontario Contact, 48(1),27-34.

This short, timely article draws on discussions which took place at a virtual workshop presented by Avenue-LearnIT2teach Project at the annual TESL Ontario conference in 2021. Presenters at the workshop explored what was learned about the use of technology in LINC programming as programs and instructors had to make rapid adjustments to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Four key findings emerged:

1. the importance of a mentor/mentee relationship during COVID-19;
2. the difference between Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) and online teaching;
3. blended learning as an ideal delivery mode of ESL learning post-COVID-19;
4. digital learning is not enough; digital fluency should be the new benchmark.

Each of these four findings is described, with a focus on how instructors can be effectively supported to deploy technology for teaching and learning, the benefits and opportunities afforded in a blended learning environment and the critical importance of incorporating digital skills to support the development of digital fluency in order to extend and improve teaching and learning in LINC programming.

Retrievable from : http://contact.teslontario.org/learning-technology-in-linc-beyond-the-pandemic/